Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Sleeping & Dreaming

What a busy night i had last night.
my Dreams were so real I know i barely slept. Especially when I was in my dream trying to find a place to sleep. So tired. These 5 o'clock mornings are really starting to bite this week. I think the combo of how early and the allergies is just kicking my ass. I go to bed by 9:30 every night.
but my dreams last night.......been up for a bit to see the man off so thye have faded .....but......it was my wedding day.
i didn't know. My parents decided to surprise me? not sure. That part is unclear. My dress hadn't been fitted. That much I know. Shari got to my parents at 10AM. I was still sleeping or just getting up. Thats when they told me i was getting married that day. When? What time? I was tired and my hair would have to be done ........ make-up. My make-up wasn't there! Shari pinned my dress for me. The yard wasn't how I hoped it would be. When were people getting there? I din't want my wedding to happen till 4! Everyone will see me looking like.........THIS! These safety pins look horrible. I needed my dress to be fitted. ( i never did get a look at the dress. All I know is that it was white and lots of lace. Didn't seem like anything I would wear! but it was the one there. Turns out I never picked it!! who Did?) I don;t have a maid-of-honor or shoes! I have to go to Bellingham.
Now this is strange cause I NEVER go to Bellingham. A barely cross the border. But for some reason it was important for me to get to Bellingham to get shoes.
it suddenly struck me half way there that I could get a new dress too & makeup. Was there time? What was I thinking. There is no time to Drive to Bellingham!!! So back I came. It was going to take an hour at least to curl my hair. And then what was i going to do with it? I'm so sleepy. Isn't there time to have a nap? I cna't remember that hairdo I saw that I liked ........... people are arriving! Where's Charlotte? I need her. Where is she? Oh thank-goodness Charlotte looks good. I hold her and wrap y arms around her. She has a very important role.
Why isn't Steph here? Oh She's with Shari trying to make my bouquet? here use this glue gun. Lyle just found it in the shed. - Ummm ok. My Sister is late!! WE can't start! did anyone even tell her?! What do you mean Tom is in the river?
Why is my mom being so snarky!! Stop looking at me like that!!!
the dishwasher was full of dishes that were full of food! What The Hell!
I didn't lose the wieght I wanted to lose before this day could happen. ACK! my make-up isn't done! Where's my gold eyeshadow? Damn it - i don't have mascara. my hair is just hanging there! not enough time to curl it all. I gotta put it up! i have safety pins in my dress! This is horrible!!! but at least I am holding my little girl.
I woke up. Not very rested at all and realizing I gotta find that hairdo I liked that I saw in a mag a few weeks ago.
It'll be so nice when 5 o'clock mornings are over and 6 days a week work is done.
Off I go to march for 20 and burn that fat! Gotta be ready for my surprise wedding. Apparently it can happen any time!


steph said...

There is NO SURPRISE weddings! You need more sleep! LOL!

Kristi said...

really No surprise weddings?!!! Now I am trusting you on this Steph! LoL

that is good I don't like surprise parties that I am not prepared for

steph said...

Rest assured, I will not allow it! LOL!