Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Gotta Add to My Package

I gotta add to my package for the end of school.
I didn't apply for the practicum part. Originally the instructor had said I shouldn't have a problem without it. Practicums are there for practical experience on the job training. Bla, bla ...... and they usually end in a job.
because of the ever growing fear I have of not being worthy or not getting a job and not bringing in a paycheck ........ i have decided i need to add on to my Strong Package.
Bubbly or not I will use all the resources at my disposal.
That's not wrong is it?

missing the dining room like crazy. Missing the giving of food pleasure........
I got to go out and dig with my hand shovel the other day. YaY for that! However ........ I am not able to dig with a regular sized shovel anymore - or at least not right now. I am not even able to cut my own grass still or empty my own wheelbarrow!


1 comment:

Kristi said...

i have since done much self talk ----

grateful that i CAN dig with a hand trowel in my garden. Grateful that I CAN pull the weeds out. Grateful that I was able to sit on the ground and get back up again. Grateful that I was able to push my barrel with out pain. Grateful taht I didn't limp yesterday and taht the change to warm weather has taken the stiffnes out of my bones.
I am Grateful for the things I am now able to do that I couldn't or had difficulties with at the end of last summer!!!
So i can't do it all like I used to.
So what? I can do as much as I can do and in the words of Christina Aquilara , "IT KEEPS GETTIN' BETTER!" --- there's a part about being a bitch in that song to that is probably appropriate as well. HA!