Saturday, June 19, 2010

Here's the Scenerio

Child, 4 yrs old, sitting at a table for dinner with His mother and his Great Gramma.
Kid doesn't want to eat his supper. Mom draws an imaginary line on his plate and says that what he has to eat. Nanny chirps up about dessert. Kid Really doens't want to eat now. Mom says no and sticks to her guns with the imaginary line. Nanny starts spelling to mom, dessert. Mom shuts nanny down. Kid kicks up bigger fuss. Mom tells kid to leave the table and go sit on his own till he has changed his attitude.
Kid leaves the table saying a few cheeky words about not listening to mom. Walks by his mother and hits her as he goes by.
mom gets up grabs him, says you do NOT hit your mummy! Proceeds to spank him. Tells him he does not hit mommy as she is much bigger and stronger than he is, so she wins! Then puts him in the next room for a time out.

What do you get from that?

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