Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Saw My Doc Today

we talked about what the Chu said and the kind of MRI he is sending me for ..........
this is what came up. A tear in the Hip Labrum. Thats what my doctor thinks the Chu is looking for. The he proceeded to bend me and ........... seriously I was soing pretty good up till the Chu and now my doc and ....... Frig! I am in pain! i have decided that Celebrex is my new friend.

The labrum is a type of cartilage that surrounds the socket of ball-and-socket joints. A labrum is found in both the shoulder and the hip joint. The labrum forms a ring around the edge of the bony socket of the joint. It helps to provide stability to the joint by deepening the socket, yet unlike bone, it also allows flexibility and motion.

How Does a Tear Occur in the Hip Labrum?

There are two general types of hip labral tears: degenerative tears and traumatic injuries.

A traumatic hip labral tear is usually an acute injury as a result of a sports injury, fall, or accident. Hip labral tears can be seen in association with episodes of hip dislocation or subluxation. They are commonly associated with sudden, twisting maneuvers that cause immediate pain in the hip.

Typical symptoms of a hip labral tear include:

  • Groin pain
  • Clicking and snapping sensations in the hip
  • Limited motion of the hip joint

Many doctors will also use a diagnostic injection to help clarify the location of the problem. To perform a diagnostic injection of the hip joint, your doctor will insert a needle into your hip joint while watching on an x-ray monitor to ensure the needle is in the proper position. The hip joint is then injected with a local anesthetic. If the injection completely alleviates the symptoms of pain, it is likely that the cause of the problem was located in the hip joint. If the pain persists, investigation into the cause of the problem should proceed to other possible diagnoses.

nice - well if that waht the issue is. I just want to know what is going on. What is wrong. And to stop hurting constantly. Being able to walk with Charlotte would be nice.
Went to Berry Fest this Saturday and I was worried i wasn't going to make it back to my car. *sigh*


Anonymous said...

Oh ouch!!!!!

steph said...

Not so good on the pain but answers are important!

kristi :) said...

i like answers too

and the validation for debilitating pain is nice - so we'll see in about 4 weeks What The Hell.