Wednesday, December 29, 2010


By George i think I've got it!

i will send out 2 differetn kinds of invitations for the wedding!
We want everyone - so i will do my best. We want Everyone to share our day!!!
We just can't have everyone for dinner. i hope people understand.
So one invitation will invite guests to the ceremony and dinner and party. the Other invitation will invite people to just the ceremony and the party! That can work can't it?!!
now to separate the guest list.
this will be hard ............ family will be the easy part ....... friends will be the hard part ............. but we'll just have to figure out our guidelines and stick to it. Then just keep our fingers crossed that we don't offend or hurt too many people!
What do you think??


steph said...

Lots of people do that!

Kristi said...

we just gotta keep those food costs down - our budget can't handle it and that seems to be one of the places we might have some control .........