Wednesday, April 13, 2011


ACK! drempt about my wedding dress. Its hem ............ all effed up! some of the seams.......coming apart!
it was too short and then it got discolored by my shoes while I was trying it on. My seamstress wasn't the same. it was some man and there was a play going on in the next room. Then my Sophia got there and told me all would be well after they had it cleaned. Then I got it home and there was a flooding, my dress had been draped over a chair(cause the house is too small to hang it) and the hem got all munged and water damaged! bugs and everything were in the bag!!! Then when i was braving the flood to go save my dress ............. yup - i was saving my dress, swimming up the torrent of flood - there was some bizaare fire in the water and it caught on the bodice!!
There was a bunch of other little wierd things too. Like Charlotte's birth father and my old best buddie Rob ....... his dying father ........... OH MY GOODNESS!
Now I have such anxiety about this Sunday and checking out the hemming. I hope its ok. ACK!

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