Friday, December 23, 2011

Pets and Family

What is it with people giving away their pets?
I just don't get it. First I heard of one that had a baby and the cat was having an issue. Then I hear of another that has found out there is an allergy in the house. SO!!
My husband and my kid push me to over in to depression, but i don't get rid of them! Yet. They are family. As are my kitties. They are a commitment. You figure it out, don't you? Is it a death thing? Death is another deal all together, a deal breaker. Nope, not for either situation.
Although, Mine could be, so hey.......................

"Anyone want a barely used husband and a slightly turned teenager - I'll take your best offer"

1 comment:

holymotherofgod said...

Hmmm pass on the kid and the spouse but the cats? No prob =)