Monday, October 07, 2013

taste in our mouth


the most coolest opportunity has happened.

The Vedder Mountain Grille is about 2 degrees away from being ours.

there is a suite upstairs.  it sits on a 1/4 acre right in  a prime spot.  corner of yarrow.

the suite is 3 brmrms plus den.  1 bath (that sucks)  whatever.

the man  that is putting us out there is my current employer. Wierd?  yes .

but there  are reasons .  
husband and i keep working.  There are trusted staff there?????  

as it stands -  tomorrow we see the bank.  My dad said he is in.  Meaning,  we will kep the agreement we currently have with him so that means we have at least 100k down with husbsands stuff.......
it is such a short shot.... husband will or might have to draw his mom out....

os many detaile are being left out here!!!!

i read it and think.    

yeah okay

no really ........................ we  are this close.  its just about financing.....with my dads help.  and my boss .... can we do it?  it is so much - so much hard work - so much of everything.  We coudl lose everything

1 comment:

holymotherofgod said...

It sounds like this didn't materialize? Or is it still a possibility. Yarrow would be an amazing investment. Abbotsford and Chilliwack are growing. Serious long term potential there.