Wednesday, May 31, 2006

He is a Gift

My darling sweet love.
I can't get over my grief!
Thank you ladies for the blog.
i do hope you all visit.

i am in mourning. So much mourning.....I jsut can't get over it. I just didn't think i had these many tears.

i look like a character out of a Garfield comic!

The last time Larry an I spoke. He gave himself a giggle.
It was jsut an hour or so before he was going in for surgery. i was so relieved that he had gotten my last e-mail. He had requested i send him pictures.
he wanted to print them off and take them to the hospital with him.
so I wanted to make sure I got this letter to him.......
I'm so glad that I did! he waited for it.

It was early, early in the morning of SAturday. 4:30AM
He was talkign about my letter.
i had written lots of mushy stuff, of course cause thats what we would do. I talked about babies. Having a family with him. Knwoing of course he's fixed.
He's bringing this up and giggling to himself. I'm saying , well they're operating anyhow.....maybe soemthing could be worked out.
He's giggling. SAying soemthing about not feeling all that great about having his Nuts operated on. First time was was enough.

'I'll tell you that story one day'
"I know how it all goes."
'Oh did you have that done?' Well he nearly busted a gut after he said that!!
'that has got to be the funniest thing I've said all day!'
He was so pleased with himself.........

That was the last time we talked.

I will remember that part.

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