Monday, May 15, 2006

This Phone of Mine is going to be the Death of me!

So my new phone that managed to give me soem grief this past weekend has managed to give me some grief again.
i do have to laugh at myself.
I played with it all last night. Deleting numbers adjusting settings......
yah well this Morning when my much anticipated call came at its regular time.....
damn it! I couldn't answer my phone!
I pushed the button! What more could there be?
I figured it out after a second.
The person calling could hear soemthing, but it wasn't me.
So now tonight again. I can't answer my phone when Maurice calls. Only this time I can hear his voice coming from somwhere.....
Where? Where the hell is it comign from!?!??
I hang up. He calls back. What The Hell! I jsut want to answer my phone!!!
After our converssation I hang up and stare at my phone a minute. I'm kinda scared of it now.
Its possesed I just know it.
Nope. not possesed. The user is an Idiot!!!
i had my headset turned on. so everytime I answered the phone it would go to my headset first. I was sitting next to my purse when I answered. His voice was coming out of my purse!!!
i am a moron.
For frigs sake.
i got a cool Bluetooth headset to wear for those calls i get while I'm drving to and from work.
So yah. Once I turned it off........
My phone worked fine.
i suppose though I've changed a bunch of settings I shouldn't have when I was fiddling around with it.
As long as I didn't make any more FFFF calls to people I shouldn;t be...........I'm all good.

Blog on Dudes!!


pkeclub said...

im so electronically challenged that i just figured out how to use my VCR

Michelle said...

Haha!! Sounds like something I would do!!

Gary said...

That was very funny.

If his voice was coming out of your purse, does that mean he is a ventriloquist?

Chris said...

Time to start studying the DVD manual farmboy2! :)

I like the idea of a possessed phone. Sounds like it might make a good novel, or movie: "Phone From Hell!"

Kristi said...

yah. Phone from hell. Thats about right!