Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Hmmmm Work.

So today i work forever.
All day at the new place. Then the evening till close at the old place. I am sure to be a bag of shit tomorrow.
especially since I rock the house at the new place.
My first shift yesterday........we were smokin busy!
Those bugs better get worked out mighty quick cause there is jsut no time for them.
Lots of customers I recognize from the old place that recognized me. Non of my old clientele, just people I've served before.
I tell you--it felt so good to be back on the floor. So natural. I do love to serve.
However i do have a sore ankle. I fell out of a building a few weeks ago and landed kinda hard on it. It was dark. We were catering. I've noticed over the last few weeks. But this morning I REALLY notice it. Almost like it needs to be taped.
I hope it doesn't become an issue.
I won't have benefits till after Christmas!
Maybe my "O" will come back soon. don't want to go off the Pinks just to find that again.
I'm sure being happy, stress free, and content will help in a lot of areas.
Frig! I craved Oreos over the weekend.
I am covered in acne now!
fuck me backwards!! I hate that!

Blog on Dudes!


Anonymous said...

Your "O"? I hope you find it soon. Nobody should be without that.

its just ME said...

Anon took what I was going to say!! lol
So let me repeat.........NO ONE should be without the "O"!!! lol

Good luck with that, hope its not the pink that pays !!!

Kristi said...

no the pinks stay!!

i'll just hope for the best with the "O".
I'm sure it will show itself when the time is right,

Anonymous said...

"O" yes - M.I.A. for a short time only. lol

Chris said...

Yes, we can not be without Oranges.