Monday, November 13, 2006

Getting Prepared????

Seems the Good Lord is preparing me for things to come.
My Nanny girl and I.
she is being a teenager.
And I love her. and have taken her on as somewhat my responsibilty. Something she welcomed with open arms till she found out there were boundaries and rules attached to that.
We had our first screaming fight.
something that ended with the 2 of us in tears and snotting all over one another. Telling each other how much we love the other.

Its a fine line you know.
I mean she is not mine. But she is my a point.
She does MANY things I would NEVER allow Charley to do.
Many things I let go and ignore.
My own rule is....if it doesn't affect me or Charlotte its not my place.
However....there are some things that I don't.
Like her friends calling late at night. Past 9/9:30 it better be an emergency. I've had calls as late as 1AM for her!
She turns up here at all hours of the night sometimes.
smoking out her bedroom window.
then there was the time I could smell pot.
It wasn;'t burning pot. It was the smell of freshly bagged pot. That has never happened again.
She goes for walks away from the house when she feels the need for a cigarette.
but today.........
disrespect, nasty comments and all around bitchiness. I lost it!
and so did she.
Threats that she will leave.
Words that I am not her mother just her roomate.
Words of do you really want to be just a roommate? Cause a whole lot will change!
Like for starters........a Heck of a lot more rent, Get your own fucking phone, no more dinners, buy your own friggin laundry soap and toilet paper!!!
Being the non-mother to a 16 year old sucks sometimes.
But this is all preparing me for the Charlotte that is to come.

Nanny Girl doesn';t want to go anywhere. She loves it here. She is jsut having a bad day and decided to take it out on me. I of course don't take that shit!
She loves being part of a family unit. She loves that someone worries and cares about her.
I hope its all worth it in the end


Anonymous said...

You are so good to her - she must know that.

jewels said...

Wow - you have more patience than I do. Where are her parents?

Smoking pot, cigarettes, all hours of the morning? That is just sad and scary.
She is lucky to have you - I couldn't do it.

shari said...

((hugs)) to ya both

Kristi said...

Her parents left her.
She didn't want to move with them.
She lived in a safe huse for awhile cause her dad hit her.
Although....(now I can kinda see why. Grrrr.)
she's a teenager looking for her independence. Its all pretty normal stuff.
I just have to keep a tight reign on the buondaries and not let them sway.