Monday, February 12, 2007

Nanny girl

I am giving some serious thought to Nanny Girl and OUR 'arrangement'

Now, yes she works today. Till about 2. so I thought....YaY! she can come home relieve my mom unless she works her other job tonight that is.
Nope. she doens't work tonight.
Again...I think YaY!
Nope...she can't help me out. she has plans with friends right after work.

Now this comes after texts last night of how long she has to work for me Valentines day and does she extra off her rent for working it and can her boyfriend come over tomorrow while she is babysitting cause they have things to do on this side of town and........
how bout NO NO NO
firstly....Wed is a normal work day. Its not extra. I don't care if Its Valentines day! big whoopee deal. She's not helping me out that night....onceagain my mom is coming out for that evening.
And No the Boyfriend doens't get to come over while you are working.
You are not doing me any favours or helping me out.
She is doing straight afterschool care for me. I can get that from Charlotte's other daycare. Mrs. W.
so you know what?
I am seriously thinking about firing Nanny Girl cause she is not holding up her end of the deal
She can pay me her straight rent and be done with it.

i could get a out of country student in for 600bux a month!
Or even just not have anything except an extra room for all the help I'm getting!


Gary said...

My thoughts about Nanny Girl are that if she is bad now, she is only going to get worse.

Kristi said...

she is not bad.
she is fine
what makes you think she is 'bad'