Friday, March 23, 2007

Woa Friday!

Its Friday and I haven't posted since Tuesday!
whats up with that?

Mornings have been short this week.
Been opting for sleeping a bit late and then Excercise over the computer. Go Figure!

Mountain and I had a wonderful DAte on Wednesday night. Dinner and just being out is so nice. Charley was at my parents for the night.
Work has been crazy busy!
i love it!
My parents back yard had a huge washout from all the rain. The environmental people have been there. They will have to fix it this summer when the river and creek get bak down again. In the meatime, mom & dad have had a real estate agent in.
They are considering moving.

I finally have a partner that matches my sex drive. How great is that!
Well its great for me anyhow.
His roomate has requested more baked goods. I sent everything I baked home with him last weekend
So thats nice. I like to feed people.

One day, if it should ever stop raining, I would like to get in my garden. There's weeds and grass everywhere! Spring is here! Its time to get it togehter. The winter did a lot of damage this year. I lost a rosebush even.

gotta run.
Excercise to be done before I fly Charlotte off to Bert's for the day!
Frig! What am I gonna do in the summer?!!!


Blog On Dudes


Bite Me said...

Hey!! I'm not dead!! Good to see you're doing well, I knew things would eventually work out for you. :-)

Chris said...

What about baked goods for your blogger friends?!?

Kristi said...

oh but of course Chris!
I'll cyber them to you to you right away Darling!!!

I love to see a comment from NJ!
You are so sweet.