Wednesday, May 30, 2007

a Year

Its so wierd with all the chaos and difficult times going on in the lives around me.
Mine has a bit of excitement but not so much.
Its wierd to think last year this time I was holding my heart in my hands.
Feeling so much hurt all at once when Larry died......

NOw here I am a year later.
Job, family, mountain, Pinks.

I still thank God for Bringing Larry into my life cause had he not......
really my breakdown would not have finished the course it had started so many years before and I wouldn't be where I am now.

Funny enough....i am truly grateful

Thanks for the e-mail Chelle


Family Of Five said...

Funny how some of the greatest challenges of our lives can make us better people! You have overcome so much in the short time I have been tuning in! You deserve to be happy.... you have worked hard! :)

Winnie said...

yes.. a negative ...flipped right into a're awsome!

Michelle said...

People ARE put into our lives for a reason.......or a season......

wow......seemed an appropriate time to send that to you, eh? :)

You are welcome.

Anonymous said...

No experience in life is ever a waste and no person in our lives is ever fully lost.
What a wallop packed year it's been for you ... and you've rolled with the punches! Way to go!

Chris said...

I am glad you are doing well...well, except for the next post...