Friday, September 07, 2007


Charlottes class was decided yesterday.

It has been all split up and she has new cifferent kids and 2 teachers! I am so excited. She ate lunch with a group of girls! YaY!!
Way better than the day before when I was wiping up her tears cause the girls she calls friends ran away from her at lunch in different directions to get away from her. So heartbreaking for a mom to hear that. So she sat alone outside.
Than yesterday she came home and a boy that goes to her school, that got moved into the same class as her, and only lives just a couple houses down......Was waiting to ride bikes with her!!!!
You have no idea how wonderful that it and how fantastic that makes me feel.
I prayed. I prayed hard. And my prayers were answered yesterday. I hope they continue to be answered today.

its mountains Birthday today.
He picks his mommy up from the airport. I meet her tomorrow. yikes! I guess I should make him a cake?

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aww, isn't that just a day in the life of that age group. Down and out one day and Most Popular in school the next. Soooo hard for them. Glad it all worked out.
Great that the visit with Mrs M went well and that she is supportive of you.