I think we finished it.
Charlotte had her very first report ever to do these last couple weeks.
One that she kept leaving at school......of course....yet when it came home.......
I don't know.
I realize my daughter is a challenge. And she is a hard one to teach.
"Charlotte is always off task. We are constantly reminding her......" Great. What else have you done? Why is her desk still in the center of the class-room? I bet that helps her keep on task.....being in the middle of the room like that with all those children around her to distract her.
Oh you keep her in at recess! Perfect. Thats exactly what she wants you dumb-fucks. Or have you not noticed that she usually plays alone outside! Way to be on top of things!
I had a meeting scheduled with her teachers today. but they cancelled on me. I have sent numerous notes to class. some get answered, some don't.
so we re-scheduled for next week.
She has 2 teachers. One from mon-wed. the other thrus-friday.
All the work she did on her report was done here at home. now I'm pretty sure y'all know how much time I have for such shit.
A notice came home that I need to be letting her on my computer for homework. I wasn't happy, and do not feel comfortable with her usi8ng my computer in my room withmy stuff......... but I understand this is how school is now.(I say this thru clenched teeth) But the part where I am supposed to be printing shit off!!!! What The Fuck!
As well as I am and was expected to take her to the local library.
What the Hell is wrong with the library at the school?!!!
Like I said.....none of what has been done was accomplished at school.
When are they teaching???
I don't know if we did it how them womans want it. Its not perfect to my standards. but I am not the teacher and I am also 38 and have done my share of elemetary reports as well as college so I don't know anymore what is age apporpriate. Besides the fact that Its not my Job!!!
its the fricken teachers job!
And There are Two of Them!!!
So why has this ended up on my shoulders?
To boot. this report is out of 50!
yup. 50 marks! I am simply blown away.
She is not yet 9 and in grade 4. First report. and has not been taught anyhting from what I can see.
I am so annoyed.
It gets handed in today. So i guess we'll see what we get......
one thing more..........
yah wana know why we got re-scheduled???
her t/f teacher called me at home Sunday afternoon to let me know that the m/t/w teacher was sick. And that she would be sick all the way till Wednesday!
So neither of them could meet with me!
Very thoughtful of her to call and let me know, but............
As a matter-of-fact.....Charlotte had a sub yesterday. It all lacks serious teamwork from what I can see!
I agree whole heartedly! I am the most involved working mother alive! I bake, I read, I involve myself in everything BUT... It starts to get to be too much!
Sounds like the last 7 years of my life!! Lenore is EXACTLY the same... she loved when the teacher would stay in with her at recess or lunch and she was on her own much of the time or she played with much younger kids. We STILL at Grade 9 have to stay on her case for her to be passing.... "Where is your homework?" "Let's see your work" I also don't love the computers usage. I had parent teacher meetings and spoke of my issues with the internet use at school... at home Lenore is not allowed to be on the computer at all unsupervised... I don't like facebook / messenger for a 14 year old... maybe we are too overprotective but still.... we found out she had been on the computers at school during class and the teacher told me they can't watch all the kids all the time! I also had issues because I found out they let the kids go early sometimes and I also don't agree... who is watching my kid? I know she is 14 but when teens get let out early and parents don't expect them till much later that is time for getting into trouble... her teacher told me that it's highschool now and that they are old enough! I know it's difficult being on the teaching end too.... trying to teach when you spend more time just trying to get the kids to behave! Stick to your guns... Charolette is the only one who suffers if no one is on top of things! :)
I am on the Queen all the time....however.....I dont get homne till 6. If she's forgotten something.....tough shit.
If homework doesn't get done at daycare. I'm still screwed.
Cause by that time of night she is turned off and so am I!
i don't remember it being as nescassary when I was growing up tfor so much parent involvement. Adn frig....there actaully were stay at home moms then!!!
Its nice to know I am not alone.
I guess all we can do is keep plugging along.
That's funny, cuz... my parents weren't on my case so much either... but I don't remember having nearly as much homework!!! It seems to start so young too! No, you are not alone!
Good luck with the meeting when you finally get to have it.
I know we ahave to be more and more responsible now for how are kids are doing in school....You don't have time...and yah teacher(s) should be on top if it...Sounds like the class is too big.
Fred had troubles with that kind of teaching...they just pushed him thtough and he struggled...
His Aunt was the Dean of English at UBC....she even had a lot to say about our schools..and that was 20+ yrs ago.
We had library time and gym class!!
WTF??? Happened??
this is kind of a tough one, cuz I have been in your shoes and totally understand the frustration of dealing with what seems to be excessive amounts of homework.
Here is what I have learned through the years dealing with these issues:
1. most teachers are understanding of the limitations of a working single parent, and will not dock marks from a report if the child has not been able to log time at the public library when that is part of the requirement. my kids' teachers usually provided alternate ways for them to earn those marks.
2. whether we like it or not, computers being needed for homework is the reality. That is not going to change. Imagine what is what like for J, L and I when they were required to print off a report and we didnt even have a computer and they were in after-school care so they couldnt use the school computers after class.
3. we have to so careful about not letting our kids know when we are unimpressed with these things, because our attitudes are infectious. A parent grumbling and complaining about homework will give the kids permission (in their minds) to have a bad attitude. One of my kids actually told their teacher one time that they didnt have to do their homework cuz I thought it was a dumb assignment. Not only did they receive 0 on that assignment, but the teacher became more difficult to deal with for both me and the kid. And who can blame them really, if they feel undermined by parents.
4. I think kids have too much homework at too young an age these days, and as parents we need to let our feelings be known, in an appropriate way, (preferrably not in front of the kids), cuz the teachers don't always know how long it is taking students to actually do homework as opposed what they estimate.
I feel for you. I know how exhausting a child who needs constant overseeing on homework is. Vent to me anytime chickie!!!
good ponts Fruit Loops
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