Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Is It the CLoCk or the CocK??

i mean really.

does ovulation have to come along side of a migraine and Every phallic symbol making a change of panties necessary.....
Does before 40 and the 'change' it like this for everyone?

like women don't have to go thru enough, with periods, cramps, child birth, inside Plumbing and the numerous embarrassing problems it can create.

so now we hit our 'dirty' years and that has to be uncomfortable too!

its supposed to Fun!!!
But I tell you....the fun does not just happen. You gotta be open for it and watch for the silver lining that surrounds it.

30 was my magic number. Now I am nearing 38. Not that I am complaining......all that much.......especially now that I have someone to share this time with.
so I have to bring a change of underclothes. At least I'm not going thru the oily stage of a couple years ago like I was.
so i nearly drive into telephone poles when I see a topless man walking or working where ever. i can save it all for later when Charlotte is hopefully asleep and I can share my frustrations of the day, oh so quielty in a room with no door.
gotta look on the bright side.
but there is nothing to be bright about when it comes to the migraine that is a partner of the pituatary gland letting go of its monthly supply of hormones that lets our bodies know they are ready for conception. NoThing I tell you! Nothing!!


Anonymous said...

Oh poor you with the migraines. That's awful.
Newsflash re age 40-50 ... HORNIEST time of your life! I'm not sure if that's good/bad news for you ... lol!

Winnie said...

Beaing a woman IS A BITCH.
And men wonder why we are bitches??

just some dude said...

Hey wow, Is this a bad time to tell you that I'm not wearing a shirt? I'm guessing you remember that I rarely wear pants. ;-) Hang in there, and if you need any help with that problem, just let me know. :-)

Chris said...

"Every phallic symbol making a change of panties necessary....."

Wow! I knew if I kept reading blogs someday there would be a payoff!!!

Winnie said... guys are funny today!
Way to lighten up the talk boys :)