Tuesday, February 05, 2008


so yes. We went out.
I love going out with the girlz. Happens about every 6 months.Mountain was more than happy to stay home so I could go play.
There are a lot of pictures popping up on facebook. I didn't know there had been so many camera's! Holy Carp! I drank my litre of wine at dinner and was good to go home and climb into bed. Steph gave me a look and a word and i knew I was off to the Springs.
me waiting for Steph to get to my house........

What did I have for dinner? Tacos with the family. Dessert at Lou's. Nummy choco cake. A must have!

So off to the springs. Its pretty fuzzy from this point on. Ran into Hot Neighbor. Remember him? He is getting married. How great is that. I am sooo happy for him. Some other guy that knew me from waaay back in the olden days. His marriage just broke up. After he found out I was most definantly unavailable, he scoped out my table of ladies and wondering which of them was single. Back off Guy! They are all mine!

it got to the point rather quickly at the pub, that if I didn't keep moving there was a really good chance I was going to fall over and not get up again. I'm sure you know that feeling. Must Keep Moving and doing things. I didn't want to smoke anymore and I had already talked to HN, So really the only thing to do was Dance. Yes thats right Dance, dance I say!!! and Dance we did. It is possible that I was alone at some point on the dance floor, but I'm really not sure.

this is my awesome hot sexy look!!

Steph got me home safe and sound. I don't remember pouring myself out of her most beautiful Pilot, but I must have. i woke up about 3AM fully dressed lying on the living room couch. Shivering. According to Mountain I came in. Sat on him. He looked in my eyes and said I was talking but there was really no one in there. Finding me as hot sexy as I obviously was. He got away from me as quick as he could! told me he was tired and going to bed. I layed down and was out before he even made it to the kitchen. So like a smart man he left me lying there. I eventually made it to bed. Slept there fully clothed for awhile, till I managed to get undressed. Where the heck were my jammies anyhow? I guess i had a good time. I didn't come home with any tattoos or extra people. Thanks Steph for making sure I got home safe.

Mountain and I sat in our jammies Sunday while he laughed at me and listened to what I could remember about conversation. Sex, Orgasms.....you know. Girl talk! Than we got ready for my Staff party................

Can't wait for the next evening out W0mens! but seriously. Next time I mean it. I am only going for Dinner! maybe.....LoL!!


Shanna said...

So much fun:) It was great seeing you all! Next time will defintely be a stay at home appy kind of night....and after the wine is consumed I am sure that won't last!

Yes you danced (woW!) -- but we were all there with you. You did get yourselfy locked on the restuarant side though, and we had to rescue you cause they wouldn't let you back...hehehe.

And you had some serious boob touching going on. My bra strap kept coming undone cause of you :P

Kristi said...

stay home Appies suits me Swell! I'll bring Jammies and a sleepin bag. Or you can. I have lotsa floor and its not too much for a cab from here to where-ever.
Glad I wasn't on the dance floor alone. I wans't sure. Cause I know there was a point in my head I waz gonna!
Boob touching! Carp! seems to me you were having strap issues without any help from me!
Glad to have kept it interesting!

I had fun!

jewels said...

i had fun too - i love dancing!

ya see - i have an issue with girls night at someone's house -
i cant stand sitting for that long! then i fall asleep...

Kristi said...

you can't have potluck and wine at a house....and then head out to wherever from there?

who said anything about sitting!

steph said...

yeah girlz nite is such a highlight. I love that we make fun of each other, bitch and moan, and get drunk. Some of us more than others! My turn next time Kris, I was proud I successfully got you out of there moments before gong show ensued!

steph said...

Oh yeah and Kristi is a boob toucher drinking or not!

jewels said...

yeah that's a good idea - start at a house and head out!

Kristi said...

i love boobs

Anonymous said...

That sexy photo is seriously funny! Sounds like a great night out. I love girls nights out ... so much fun.