Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Bit off More than I Can Chew

Holy F - Troop!!

I thought the hard part was going to be doing the ceiling!
Hard wiring the Chandelier that is meant to be a plug, into the hole in the ceiling. Painting it blue, putting up the medallion. All Hellish and difficult for someone with no knowledge of such things. But I did it and it looks amazing! I like to go in and just look at it. (pictures to come when I am totally finished)
I thought the walls would be a problem. they are walls. Flat. How hard could it be?


Whomever lived here before used that room as a pincushion!!!
There are holes EVERYWHERE! not only little tac holes but big What-The-Fuck-were-they-doing holes! Not to mention Charlottes CRAP! this house is too small to empty the room out. so I am kinda pushing stuff to the side and then around and back again. A black garbage bag by my side.....(didn't I just do this when we moved in?) I am at awe the amount of Carp she still has after the amount of Carp we got rid of when we moved 6 months ago! Seriously, do you have to have so much Carp Charlotte!???
Friggin' Carp
So here I am. Roller in hand...there is a hole every inch on one wall. I tried to take a pic of it but it didn't turn out. I might try again with it all filled and unsanded. you might see better. And thats only 1 wall!
One pink wall one blue wall and one green wall with a stripy door and a blue ceiling! Why not! I thought. How hard could that be? Expensive and has taken me months to save up to buy everything for it, but I have and I did and..........What the Hell was I thinking?
This is soooo much work.
WAnted to invite Liz-bit over to help, but I haven't been painting for any solid amount of time. I have no plan. but this weekend is my deadline. SAturday is when it has to be done by cause I had the great idea to have a dinner here on Sunday for EAster!!!!
This cleansing has obviously made me go a wee bit in the head.
Pushing Little girl Carp from one end of the room to the other is not one of the embaressments I feel comfortable sharing so much either.
Oh and then I thought....let Charlotte help a little. What an Idiot I am!!!!
got her to edge the bottom by the mouldings.......of course being Charlotte she has a different plan, be it there is paint on the mouldings....AaaaaaaHhhhhhhh!!!!!
Mountian rubbed my back and listened to me vent. Its ok Kristi, we will paint them. He is so sweet.

okay better run. My mom will be here any minute to pick up kid that isn't awake yet.

Blog on


steph said...

NEVER involve them in any stage but the planning! Kids and paint!

Kristi said...

I just thought it would be a nice thing to invlove her in the re-structuring of her room.
At least just a little........

moved her bed today. Oye!

on the bright side though....the green looks amazing and Mountain was awesome to come and put the final coat of Pink on.

With a little swearing and some'll get done. It won't be perfect....but it will be done!

steph said...

Awesome effort super mom!

shari said...

Very cool!

liz said...

How's it coming?

Kristi said...

Just about done!!!