Thursday, March 20, 2008

Taboo Sex Show is coming to Tradex next weekend!!

Sister will be there promoting her roller derby with her team-mates!

Go check it out!


jewels said...

roller derby? how is that related to sex? LOL!

Kristi said...

wouldn't you like to know........

lots of short skirts, fishnets, knee highs, girls scrapping on roller skates. How is it NOT sexual.
My Sisters team name is Spanky Strangler. So she is going to try to get bikini panties embrodered on the bum with Spanky

steph said...

OMG! I would friggin LOVE to do that! I am so envious!

jewels said...

but yes - i am SO going! Saturday

Anonymous said...

I want to do roller derby

Kristi said...

I want to do Roller Derby too!

but the meetings and practices sometimes go too late for me. I've been working on Lyle to sit for me.....
Its a ton of Fun! A lot of aggression can get worked out on the rink
Finding a pair of Roller Skates is hard. Nobody sells them. I've been looking.
but I'll keep trying

Anonymous said...

sign me up

Bite Me said...

Just another reason to go visit Canada! :-)