Wednesday, March 05, 2008


.................ever wondered how Others view you???

I have been since the weekend.
There was a point in the evening where my friend Todd's wife made her way over to talk to me. I had known her back in the day, but it was brief. She was moving into the group as I was moving away.....anyhow. she made this comment that she couldn't believe she was standing there talking to me.
Why? I asked. Thinking oh shit she freakin hates me and I am totally infringing on her space.
nope. Apparently I was the illusive Hot Chick! And DAmn if I wasn't still Hot!.
She was always so threatened when I walked into a room cause all the men wanted me.......she was quick to point out it was still happening......
Miss popularity. Center of attention.
must be why over the years when I've seen her different or around town.....she always does the quick head turn or down the other aisle trick. I just always figured she was avoiding me cause she didn't like me....which would have been fine too. We don't have to like Everyone. But to find out that was why......She was scared to talk to me!
it was really wierd.
And the only reason she made a move to chat with me SAturday was becasue it turns out Mountain went to school with her and her Best Friend that was there!! So they were busy chatting him up. I guess i was 'safe' after that.
Mkaes me wonder what other people think of me. Casue I don't see myself the way she was describing.

Kinda like.....I wonder what will be said about me after I'm gone!!
I really would like to be a fly on the wall.
I wonder how many people truly know me and see me.
I mean, really 'see' me!!


jewels said...

i always think about that!

i hope i get to be at my own funeral (ps - i will haunt you if you arent there!)

but i think it is sad that we have to die before people tell us what they really think.

steph said...

I can see that... I think you are hot too but being confident intimidates people, especially if they are not confident.

Kristi said...

Of Course I would be at your funeral Jewel!!

I'd be the girl wearing the Red dress, drinking a cosmo and singing...."Ding - Dong the.......tralalala" happily in the corner.............

Seriously though. I do my bestest to always let you girls know how I am feeling and what I think and all that jazz. And we are all in agreeance I think that I am Clearly Nutz!
Its just the past life. Confidance wasn't even in the picture then. Many years ago when people just never gave anyone a chance cause they were so young themselves. Full of judgements and misconceptions. No understanding of human nature. More like couldn't be bothered, cuz maybe they just didn't want to be seen themselves. Its a scary thing - being real.

And others are too busy looking at the book jacket instead of turning it over and reading the summary

Any of that make sense???


Anonymous said...

Well, I can think of worse reasons why people might avoid a person. Anyway, it can be a hoot to find out how people perceive you and it is just as much a surprise to them when they find out their assumptions are completely off the wall.
I think I couldn't go to my own funeral ... I'd want to drink the bar dry to make sure it was worth attending!

jewels said...

i know what you mean K -
i was told that i was an intimidating over achiever (although I will take the over achiever part as a compliment).
then when this person took the time to get to know me - they discovered that although i am foward and know what i want - that actually i am a nice person (unless you cross me or piss me off!)


Bite Me said...

Yeah, you're hot! :-)Even hotter that you don't even realize. :-)