Monday, April 14, 2008

Half my Make-up on

I had stuffed kleenex up my nose and was starting to put mascara on my watery eyes.
Charlotte laying in my bed, konked out. Mouth open, red, red cheeks. Carp! I know she still feels sick from yesterday, but I am hoping she can wake in a good mood and make it to school.
My arms and the backs of my legs are still sore from moving rock and Gardening all day SAturday. SAturday was a Gorgeous Hot Sunny day! Wierd to have one after it had been snowing just the week before.
Charlotte played ALL day with the neighbourhood kids.
She had her feet in the pond. Rode bikes. Had a water fight. All kinds of normal SAturday fun kid type stuff! Stuff we didn't do at the other house cuz there weren't any kids around and the road was so busy and.......basically, it sucked for kid type action and mindless kid fun.
I knew when she was passing out on the couch SAturday night after supper I hadn't done the norms....."get in the shade" "have some water" "here's a freezie" "lets get some sunscreen on you".........byt 3AM I was climbing into bed with my sick Daughter. She was burning up with fever. Tossing and turning. Her muscles ached. Her tummy didn't feel nice. i gave her Gravol, she promptly threw that up. I gave her more. That one stayed down and she fianlly slept comfortably.
All day yesterday she layed around. Ever so briefly getting some energy when one of the neighborhood kids came to call. Losing her strenght quick and coming in to lie on the couch. Feeling tired and cold she says. I give her soup and water.
Her cheeks are so red. Is that from the sun or is she that flushed?
So when I heard her voice behind me as she moaned while waking I knew she wasn't pretending.
The dreaded call to Boss Mitch. More calls to the 3 staff we have. Calling my mom to see if she can come for 2 hours so I can still cover at least lunch. (my mom can't drive cuz of her foot) BM calling back to say he figured it out. Alisha actually Answered her phone in the morning! What a miracle! Lunch is covered.
So now here I sit.
Missing my 7 hour work day. Missing my Monday tips! Thinking i better get a project underway today in order to make this day off worth while.
Charley is laying in her bed with Le Fleur and Rufus watching movies.
I better call daycare and let her know..........
I hope I don't get whatever she has. I'm hoping its still sun-stroke and not the flu that so many have been fighting.
i can't afford another day from work.

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Family Of Five said...

Poor little girl. Enjoy the snuggles with her!

Anonymous said...

I hope she is all better now.