Friday, May 23, 2008

up at 5:30 AM

Yup. I was up at 5:30 this morning. Dozed a bit till my alarm went off at 5:45AM
I was up making coffee. Brushing teeth, washing my face. i sat down in front of my computer at 6:03 with my cup of coffee. Only a sip out of it when the Madonna alert went off!
I dialed
and dialed
and dialed
Both phones going. I got thru!!! They were answering the phones. I was waiting for my ringing to stop and hear Nat say good morning.
DAmn! It wasn't me! but I stayed on with the ringing anyhow, cuz I wanted to know. I was 10. 10!!!!
so it went off again not long ago. so again I tried............
never got thru this time at all. POOOO!
so i will try a couple more times I hope before I have to truck my butt off to work. Hopefully one last time between 5 & 6 tonight.

Maybe I should call in sick....................

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