Saturday, August 02, 2008

Letter from the Husband........

I had a friend a quite a few years ago now, when i worked at the Pantry. Her name was Karen. Karen and I had a lot in common and went thru a fair bit together. She was a few years older than me, about 5 or so. (funny I can't remember now)
I knew what the letter was as soon as I saw the return address was S. hoople and not K
I was the maid of honor at her wedding back in 95
I've mailed (snail mail) her every Christmas since she moved to Alberta.
I would hear from her random, every couple years ................
I sat at my kitchen table staring at the envelope. Knowing the news it contained.
" is with remorse that I must inform you that Karen lost her battle with Crest and passed away May the 20th........."

1 comment:

jewels said...

ohhhh - that is so sad - i'm sorry