Charlotte's not here. She's at a sleepover. Mntn is not here either. He is working overtime.
my screen door is flapping in the wind. That could mean a whole lot of things - I'm either true trailer trash, or knocked up, or i need to get a new Stupid screen door cause this one is dang busted!
The screen door flapped so hard that it pushed my sideboard off my landing down the steps and onto the cement. So I was out there in my Jammies and slippers at 7:30 AM lifting it back onto the porch! and now it has a munged up corner Damn it!
I feel great even though I should have slept in and I should be tired since I was up past midnight and didnt have a kid or boyfriend here to bug me.......
I think I have lots on my mind and lots to do. Wrapped some of Charley's sock prezzies last night. I don't have near what I thought i did! Damn!
Mntn's dad came up with a Christmas list so Now I have to actually shop for him instead of the easy "bottle of Rum" I was gonna get Christmas eve. Frig! I have Christmas cards to finish, shortbread cookies to make, Gingerbread men to attempt. the tree MUST go up today!
Oh yah.....and Mntn's sisters birthday is Monday and I havne't sent her a card or a gift or anything! Double Frig! She's in England! Friggidy Frig Frig!
Okay I am off to Superstore to get the odds done and then pick up the Queen for our day full of Fun......I said that last bit through gritted teeth. Could you tell?
I need more wine..........
Blog On!
now I just tried to get dressed and my Bra broke!
What the Hell!
Its not even 9 O'Clock. What is going on?
I went to Superstore. Got the outlaw shopped. picked up a few things I missed for kid. Didn't get anything for the outlaw in England, DAmn.
and when I got home from picking up kid.......that Evil screen door was working on shoving my sideboard off the landing again!!!
What the French-Fry!
Why won't it latch properly if my front door is closed?
Ever hear of Murphy's law?? lol Sounds like you had a little of that happening yesterday!!
Hope today is better. :)
Chat later?
later when? You okay......
I should be here all day. If I'm not try my cell. I might pop out to get chicken
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