Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Fuck what a Bitch

I am driving towards my house.  I am on my lane.  I see in the distance an unfamilar vehicle parked close to my house. Oh its a truck.  Its Mntn's dad!  Ok.  Thats fine.  company as soon as I walk in the door.  Hmmmmm.  It'll be fine.  where the Hell is he parked?  He is Parked right in front of the neighbors driveway, blocking it!  Waht an ignorant man!  maybe the neighbor is out.  Nope there's their van parked across the lane on the road.  DAmn it!  How ignorant.  Why does this man have to be so daft all the friggin time?!!
I come in the house.  keep it light.  keep it light.  you know how you can get or sound
Hi (inlaw) how are you?!  Waht a nice surprise.  Did you know you were parked in front of the neighbors driveway.  You did!  Ummmm, well maybe you should move your truck.  you can park in front of our driveway.  Or infront of the house next door itself.  Yes soemone is living there!
he gets his shoes on and hi-tails it outside.  I am so embarassed and start the reel in my head all of the other things this man does that are ignorant to society and his family.
I am not going to be able to just come home, find out how Charley's Science club went after school hang with her and Mntn.  Have a quiet bath, eat..........maybe make it to the PAC meeting???  I'm  now going to have to entertain and visit.  There were a few other things I wanted to accomplish this evening as well.  Nope.  those things quickly fly out of my head as to what they were.
I see a full pot of coffee brewed.  now of course I happen to know i only had enough coffee left to brew almost 3 half pots of coffee.  No biggie.  I plan on doing a shop on Friday after the funeral.  WEll now I barley have enough for a pot tomorrow morning!  I am already home!  I could have picked it up! 
 I bark at Mntn.
he barks back.  I realize I am a tit.  He had intended to go pick some up as soon as his dad leaves.

I explain to him later after his dad left.  
I was bitchy cuz of his dad.  I coudn't yell at his dad, so I yelled about the coffee.  He understands.  he doens't agree, but he gets it.  WE hug and all is well. 


steph said...

I do that too! I think it is in our DNA!

jewels said...

hells yeah! we always dump on the ones we love

Anonymous said...

Doesn't it get up your nose when people don't ph ahead and let you know they are coming over. Then you have time to prepare. It is called being polite.