Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I don't know what to do!


jewels said...

what about medical EI to compensate for the hours you are missing?

Kristi said...

there's something! Yes. That could work. Thank you Jewel. How do I go about doing taht?

I tried working and I got thru about 3 hours before I couldn't take it anymore and had to sit. but I had to stay I wanted to prove to myself that I wasn't a complete invalid. but I can't do the things I need to do. like stocking shelves and carrying glass racks......
I carried a glass rack out and i thought fersure my legs were just going to let go. It was all I could do to stay standing. It was wierd cuz it was 't even really painful. Just weak as Hell!
now I wake this morning and I am back to a stiff neck bone! Mid back pain.....I'm just realy pissed!
I toy with seeeing a lawyer, but ICBC hasb't been dinkish to me yet. So I hate to fight a fight that isn't there. Or cause one to happen.
I'll go to the clinic again today and see if he tells me the same thing my family doc did about stuff.
or maybe I'll try to get in to mine again on short notice.
I just hate this and I don't want to screw my job around. Besides the part where I need the money! Frig!
maybe i won something in last nights loottery

jewels said...

i do believe you just contact EI - maybe talk to your boss and ask?