he talked. i talked. Siting in an air-conditioned room that made my spine ache. I kept my back straight and protected in the comfy leather chair to help keep it insulated from the chill around me.
He's been a lawyer for 10yrs. For his first 3 yrs he worked FOR ICBC as their lawyer! So he knows stuff. Fine. I told him my story so far. I told him that Lisa (my adjuster) has been working with me and has been so very wonderful. I told him about the paper she wants me to sign and that I hadn't. He praised me for that. As they will, and can, go and use anything, ANYTHING to make my claim, and all that becomes a part of it, crap. I showed him the documents. Some were dated May 11. the date of the accident. Some had no date at all. The ones with no date are the ones to worry about. those are the ones I have to fill in and make sure it says MAY 11. Then, he said, go ahead and sign them. As far as he getting involved right now........he told me that she is working with me at this time. She is working for me, so just keep with her, for now. I will need him, but he says if he gets involved now there is no way i will get wages subsidized or receipts paid for as it goes to the next level of adjusters and they are not as co operative or nice. So wait till i am able to work full-time hours again before i get him involved. That way when I get cut-off I'll land on my feet.
He did suggest going on medical leave, but since I've cut my hours in half over 2 months ago that 60% isn't going to do much for me. he suggested asking my therapist about going to physio more days of the week, like 5. To help get better. Once again i brought up the cost and my poor, poor ViSA. So thats no good either. he guestimated my time of healing to be easily, and at the least a year. Go through winter first he said. This is not going to be over anytime soon. Which is what I already knew.
I talked about my injuries and the damaged pelvic muscle. He knew exactly waht it was and commented on what a serious injury that was. How are you walking? Yah. I'm amazing!
So thats that then.
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