Monday, September 21, 2009


I've been a respponsible mom.  I've had Charley shot every time she was supposed to.  Even opted to get the chickenpox vaccine when she was 2!
but what was in those shots.  Although I  was responsible, i don't know what I gave her.  
now I'm a bad mom.
this permission form has come home.
please date and sign for each vaccine.  OH Shit!
Hepatitis B - Meningoccal C conjugate vaccine - chicken pox - HPV
duh.  I dunno.
I'm sure a few of those are supposed to updated......the HPV we have opted out of all together.
do you know what was in the 'booster' your kid got before they were a year?


steph said...

I am completely, totally, absolutely anti-shots. Don't preach other commenters I will not be moved!

Family Of Five said...

You didn't do shots for any of your kids?

Kristi said...

i am not anti-shot, but i am shot leary.
its a very personal choice
I've had Charley shot lots - but I am opting out of the HPV
and it turns out I do keep good accurate records!
Whatta ya Know!

oh yah - don't even go there with Steph - she'll chew you up and spit you out!

Family Of Five said...

I am shot leary too! My Dr's office actually lost the record of my son having his K-booster... then suggested that because they didn't have record that I get it done a second time! I nearly came unglued!! I had enough reservations doing it in the first place no way in HELL was I going to risk doing it a second time!

jewels said...

it depends on the shot. mine has had all his shots, with the exception of the flu shot.

steph said...

2 words.... Live virus!