Monday, January 18, 2010

a Boys Birthday

Charlotte has been invited to a birthday party

its a boys birthday. He is turning 12. This boy also has a crush on her and she on him. My first instinct is to say NO - so thats what I did.
What would you do?


steph said...

What are they doing? A group thing? Is it chaperoned(sp?)? How long are they to be gone? Other girls going or only Charley?

Kristi said...

I've been told other girls

he hasn't decided what they are doing yet. I sorta thought maybe, when I found out other girls were going.
kid mentioned movie .......... i don't know. ......... and I hate these kids taht are on Facebook!
Its making me crazy. Charlotte is bugging me everyday! UGH! I am ready to cave

jewels said...

as a teacher - I LOVE facebook - in fact, I met w/ 3 kids today for various things posted on facebook (online bullying / threats / and self harm) But do you know what absolutely SICKENS me? It's that I know more about these kids than their parents do! HELLO! Be involved! Just b/c they are in high school doesn't mean you stop caring!

on the bday party thing - if you hold the reins too tight I truly believe you will lose her. Ask questions - call the parent - ect.

oh - and another thing - technology will get way worse before it is better. you may as well get on board :)

Kristi said...

she is going - she has girlfriends going so I have said its fine.

facebook I don't mind - its facebook for kids under the age they are legally allowed to be on it taht gets my goat.
she is allowed on MSN to chat and I read over her shoulder all the time. I've also told her MSN is all she needs. She gets it on her DS as well - but kids in her class are on facebook and she bugs me every day.
she is 11! she doesn't need to go on and find out her "stripper name" Or see girls posed scantilly, or be one of the girls posed in her panties, Or taht its beat up a Ginger day, or any of the other things that go around thru teenville........or even get the ideas.

I don't want her being 2 years older for the rest of her internet days. FAct is - if she were 13 I'd allow it.
Rules are NOT meant to be broken. They are there for a Reason. We might not understand them, but they are there for a reason. And what am i teaching my kid if i let her mis-represent herself? I just struggle with it.......
and i Hate that I am contemplating doing it for her cuz EVERYONE else has. I am feeling the peer pressure.

steph said...

I would NOT be okay with my child on facebook at 11. I completely agree rules are there for a reason and it isn't a rule you have made up like you can wear make up at 13 type of thing. I think that when parents blatantly disregard rules in front of their kids OR for their kids (ex: under age drinking is ok if you are at home) it teaches kids that authority is not to be respected. The slope is so slippery! I am with you Kristi, she has rules because you are involved waiting until she is old enough is not going to cause her any permanent harm!