Sunday, January 10, 2010

and there was a Penis?

how is it that I end up with a penis in my "in box"

how does that happen?


Anonymous said...

well, very penis like isnt it?

RRH said...

that psot is from me RH

Kristi said...

its very strange -
When he said he was going to send me a pic, and i said, "go for it" i was expecting a goofy pic of his face. Thiought I had ignored his emails enough that he knew I wasn't interested, that way, i don't think i said anything provocative. but I guess read in his obvious frame of mind, the sarcasm i wrote it with could be mis-read .......................... and he is still emailing me asking if I like it!!! I am again ignoring ..........
how strange

Don't talk to him since high-school and then he sends me his penis?
very strange

steph said...

EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take it off, take it OFF!!!!!!

jewels said...

OMG! Who does that???

Kristi said...

somebody's husband!!!!

Mid-life crisis Husband!

what is your significant other doing with his blackberry?

very strange

steph said...

Why is it still on here! Seriously, that is sick and twisted!

Kristi said...

there you go my friend

the penis pic is gone.

Family Of Five said...

I have NO idea what that was all about!

Kristi said...

the blank square was a pic of the penis he sent.

I got rid of it for Steph

jewels said...

who is "he?" did i miss something?

Kristi said...

a guy i went to High school with - hav'et seen him since ....... and then PENIS!!!

he has a very pretty wife and children and.........guess he is bored or soemthing ........ don't know ........i certainly wasn't expecting it

steph said...

ACK!!!! Thank you and shame him! He is terrible for doing that! His poor wife! I was seriously having an anxiety attack!

steph said...

Unknown penises scare me!

Kristi said...


well now I know what to get you for Halloween

just some dude said...

Yeah, unknown penises scare me too! ;-) I can honestly say that I've never sent my penis to anybody's inbox, well unless they asked for it. That still has me laughing. :-)