Friday, February 12, 2010


ok - she goes in at 8 this morning.
i won't be going till after charlotte's out of school.
i have class, then an interview type thing at noon, an assembly at 12:45 .......kid is out at 2:20 - then off to the hospital I will go!
The olympic ceremony's start at 4! I gotta see that! i think Sister was getting a TV just to be able to watch. So I'll keep y'all posted


steph said...

YIKES! Good luck Sister!

holymotherofgod said...

YES let it go smoothly, let the Darryls free...

Kristi said...

she got bumped
now down to 3rd on the list
she went all the way there and they sent her home.

her doctor is such a lying misleading bitch!!!

steph said...

OMG! This is traumatic!

ME said...


holymotherofgod said...

...whaaaat? so she is STILL waiting?!!

steph said...

do we have babies yet??????

Kristi said...

haven't heard from her this monring -

she told me last night that she is actually losing weight now. i of course am panicking. cuz thats not good. but she seems to think its ok.
"the babies are gaining" ummm ........
losing wieght is not good!!!
who the fuck is this doctor