Friday, October 15, 2010

Re - Programming Mountain

I know that its hard
i know that he hasn't had to, nor did his own parents do it for him
BUT - he HAS to start having Charlotte as his second thought before he makes plans or agrees to do soemthing.
i have a job now. If its his shift, he's gotta figure it out!
Ahhhh - growing pains.
i do Not like them. Funny how its always the woman that is EXPECTED to sacrifice.


steph said...

Men in general. They just don't.

Kristi said...

i guess - i am determined. he will re-program to get Charlotte closer to the top of his thoughts when he makes plans. It'll happen. She is nearly there ........
men just work differetnly than women. They don't get us either.
However, i am working from 10 - 6 tomorrow and getting up at 5 with the man. Yet I will still make sure I have a casserole done for him before I head out at 9:30AM
Men and Women are just programmed different.

or maybe I am just programmed differetn.