Thursday, November 10, 2011

Lung Thing

I called again to the doctors yesterday. Finally the results are in! you would think "YaY"
not so much. Nothing abnormal the receptionist tells me. Okay - Great. I had already established that in the own head. Abnormal BTW is what they call Cancer. Yet there is soemthing there. Not a big deal though? I have an appointment to go over the results with my doctor on Monday.
So for how I was feeling on Sunday and then again yesterday. The breathing, like the worst asthma ever, is it actually just - "the worst asthma ever" So much so that it shows up on an Xray?
Is it just scar tissue then? Is it leftover infection?
Why is my hearing still down? Why do i hear trickling in my ear canal? Why do I soemtimes just get so freeking tired?
My kidneys are okay. Is it my liver? have i managed to 'medicate' myself to the point that I have pooched my liver, lungs and hearing? Those 'ever readies' that I used to see tumbling out of the FVI and come to me for food, day after day kept going. The street people ......... I am, have not 'coped' that much in the last 5 years have I? That hard?
If its still left over infection, what will they do for me? Chronic pnuemonia doesn't sound like its got too many fantastic cures from what I've read. It actually sounds almost worse than cancer? and why the EFF are my ears still plugged?! has time and genetics finally caught up with me. Is my hearing just - gone?
We need to move - i think there is mould in this house that is affecting me. I am also allergic to faaaaaar more than I ever have been before. And weird things. Its this house -

Time to sell

1 comment:

holymotherofgod said...

Hmmm. Sorry to hear you have this ailment, whatever it is, although all signs seemingly point to something NOT deadly. Lungs, ears, nose, throat are all connected so honestly doesn't surprise me that your hearing is a little odd, if indeed you have a lung infection of sorts. Try not to panic; I hear medical science is pretty good..