Saturday, December 03, 2011

Christmas 2

Okay - so I am trying my damndest to get into this Christmas thing.
Holy Carp - I am behind on everything and anything that has to do with the season! This is soooo not like me. I AM depressed. Shit! it snuck up on me.
Well time to turn it around - hope I can do it.
Can we back up a week so I can catch up on the baking, shopping, decorating and visiting??
WoW! that blanket sure covered me. Hope it stays receded. I can still see its satin fringe, but at least it is not up over my head.
Today the Tree and I will attempt to locate some decorations that seem to be MIA. Bring on the carols please.

WooHooo - tis the season to be jolly! So lets get on it!

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