Monday, December 19, 2011

Figuring it out

Had an epiphany the other day.
I can not get a car in the spring as I had planned. I will be losing part of the income I have grown to count on over the past 13 years. Because I am now status - married - This I knew and have been trying to prepare myself for, but the bulb went on while I was thinking about the spring and affording a car payment. That is my car payment and it will be gone after this tax season. As a matter of fact - when I shared this with a girlfriend, she told me I might just end up with a bill! I need to phone them ASAP. My thoughts were that it is based off your last years income tax, going from July to July, I should be good. However, I might not be either. Shit and Fuck!
However, as I scrolled through the Family Maintenance website, looking for any hope of support from there (he is in owing status) i stumbled across links. Links that took me other places saying that if your last court order was before 2006 it could be easily upgraded because the *new* pay scale came out! So even though he is in arrears ......... this would work very well in Charlotte's favor, eventually.
Now speaking of Charlotte, she needs her mummy home in the evenings. Working like I do into the nights and missing out on EVERY Saturday for the last year has taken its toll on her. she needs me here. I am trying to figure out how to make that happen. An opportunity was presented to me yesterday to work for a company where I would be off at night. Only work to the latest, 5:30. Still doesn't get me home after school like she needs, but not working till 8 is better. Having Saturdays off is better. I will Never get that where I work now. So I don't have a resume, but I think I will wander down and just see. You never know. I was also told that their benefits package is waaaay better than the one I have now. Which would also be good. We are in desperate need of dental. Change is hard for me, but I am a mom first and The Queen needs the change. I will try to locate my big girl panties this morning.
Disneyland is fast approaching. I have been wondering about shuttles and tours and i guess I better make sure we are not stuck at LAX. I have been told that there are shuttles there. but don't i need to reserve them? I am not good with the not having a solid plan, so I think i will look into that today too.
Lots to figure out and my mind is so scattered.

1 comment:

holymotherofgod said...

Yikes its only been like 20 yrs since I was there last but I think the shuttles leave like every 15 or 30 minutes don't they!?