Thursday, December 08, 2011

Boop Boop!

I am up!
I am happenin'
It is December 8 2011 holy Carp! time just goes doens't it?
i am tired and my tummy feels queasy, but it is a good day so far. That makes me feel good.
What is with the tum tum?
I think i felt a weeee bit of excitement for Christmas this morning. this is Good! I like it! Wrapped some prezzies for the boys and I enjoyed it! this is also good. Looked at my tree and thought it was pretty. Another good thought. Think I might wear bells today ........... another Kristi Christmas thing! this is good. So good!
Am I on the upswing of the downswing I've been on? I sure as heck hope so. Looking forward to my happy moods to make an appearance. Energy. Oranges. Positive outlook!


steph said...

I have struggled this year with Christmas spirit. It just feels like another thing to do! Luckily I love my kids and they appreciate the effort I put out for them!

Kristi Lou said...

Exactly Steph - another thing to get done - sad that it is like that. I wonder if it was like that for my mom?

Ahh well - got my bells on and Christmas socks - it is in there!

holymotherofgod said...

Some years feel more Christmassy than others just depending on where we are and what happened that year. Been lucky at work this yr that we actually play xmas music during the day (never had that before!) which kind of helps. That and Gingerbread Lattes from Starbucks. =)