Thursday, June 01, 2006


WEll it happened.
Attacked again.
I do understand.......a little.......As my relationship with Larry was not well known. So I do know how I must appear.
However, if you read back.....thru mine thru his.....there are little hints all the way thru both our Blogs.

As we got to know each other and 'got over ourselves'
All these huge fears and the stigma that surrounds an internet romance.

I Will say here what I said in an e-mail a few hours ago..........

"I don't need to defend myself.
i don't need Jenny to defend me either.
i know my place with him and I am secure with that."

However........out of respect for my own feelings and my new friend Jenny I will cease from writing about Larry here.

I was very hurt. You won. You hurt me. I am jsut not going there with petty catty woman carp!
i have better things to do. Other stuff to deal with right now.

eventhough.........for a moment......well for a few hours today I got very caught up in it. Sorry J.
It's just not worth it. My energies are needed elsewhere.
I will keep it to personal e-mails when I need to vent.
Bad enough that the last week has been such a complete blur. All i did was concentrate on our conversations. Knowing they'd be our last, but not wanting to say it out loud for fear of making it real.
The last few days aren't even a memory. Just meshed togehter. I don't remember who I've talked to about what, when, or why during my sadness. the tears.............
like a 3 day blackout!!!

Anyhow Thank you..........

Blog On dudes!!!


Desireous said...

Sorry someone attacked you. I don't know why they did that or what it was about but you are right you don't have to defend yourself. You have done nothing wrong. I know how grief stricken you must be right now and I can't imagine why anyone wouldn't respect that and just leave you to your grief. I'm really sorry for your pain.


Anonymous said...

Kristi, if you are referring to the skeptical remarks of Chelle, don't give it a second thought!!! What a bitch...she should keep thoughts like that to herself at a time like this if she really must think them at all. What a small mind she must have!
You know in your heart how things were with Larry and so do the ones that are close to you. Don't shut us out! We're here for you.
(((Big hugs)))

You know who

Doo Dah said...

Honey, vent here all you want. Thats their way of grieving I guess. True friends and false friends show their faces when time is at hand, and you have seen their true colors.

Pain is hard to deal with. You deal with it the way you always have and ignore the trolls, dont feed them and they will crawl back under their little bridge and nibble on their own foot. Its already in their mouth.

Be yourself. Let me know if I can help.

Anonymous said...

Kristi dear, I am sooooo sorry that someone felt the need to attack you that is just wrong, what you and Larry had was very real and you do NOT need to justify that to anyone.
You are really handling all this very bravely and with such class. Keep it up dear and here's a big hug for you today!

Luv ya ~B

Michelle said...

I make ONE comment and suddenly that becomes the "skeptical remarks of Chelle"? Grow the hell up, "anonymous". I showed genuine concern for Kristi, and I just asked a question that I am sure MANY people wanted to know.

Kristi, if YOU have a problem with me or any question or comment I might say...tell me....please do not judge me based on the immature comments by someone why is too chickenshit to even put their name in here.

Kristi said...

no Chelle I don't.
it was others that attacked.
i know of your skepticism. i also read your genuine concern.
i know anonymous. i have and will speak to them.
As i am not a gossipy girl to throw around the mean hearted things that are being said to me.
i have kept the details between myself and the attacking parties.

thank you all for your support during this time.
i will be venting via personal mails now.

Leah said...

I'm sorry someone attacked you again... That's just crap!! If you need to talk or vent, you have my email address. Feel free to email me. My thoughts are with you and Larry's family. He didn't live all that far from where I do... Take care of yourself. ((Hugs))

Anonymous said...

I have read some of the stuff about the attacks and my opinion is these girls are just not worth it.
I don't care if this is supposed to be a place for people to vent; there are just lines you do not cross, that is one of them. I was so angry when I read some of the things people were saying but after the last one I just started laughing. These are obviously the opinions of children. There is no substance or fact to any of it.
if they want to put something on my site have at it...but I do not believe that either of them are worth the 10 seconds it would take me to tell them to stop being immature bitches.
I decided to post this on your site because you know how much I love you but I wanted to tell you. You are to valuable to even begin to respond to this. Enough is enough, ignore them.
If all they have in their life currently is this insane notion that you are lying about something than so be it, cause there is nothing that you can do to change that.
Fighting with them is only giving them the drama that they obviously and desperetly need. Let them think what they want, let them comment here out in the open where your friends can tell them the truth. I will fight for you always, but this is not real.
This is a drama cooked up by two people.
Larry was and is an awesome person and this just distracts from that.

Hang in there, I love ya!

Posted by steph to That Emperor Just Keeps Taking his Clothes Off!! at 6/02/2006 12:21:24 PM

shari said...


Ya, what she said!!!