Thursday, September 07, 2006

The girL

the girl that is moving in to my basement to babysit for me for room and board.......

yah she just up and got a job!
Okay. Fine. So she pays me rent, but now I'm back to not having a sitter for the weekends or evenings!

How the Hell do I work?



Anonymous said...

Its like you were born under an unlucky star. You are resourceful. It'll be okay. I guess this stunts the job hunting? How do you pay your mortgage?


Kristi said...


my unlucky star. Yah thanks for pointing that out. I am having a really bad day.

Really, really bad.
its all I can do to not be on the phone all day. I need Steph.
i'm super stressed and scared and worrried and lonely.
I want to cry on Tall Dudes shoulder and I can'tr even call him as a friend..... i don't think anyhow.
and I'm too afraid to even put myself out there cause i will most likely get rejected and I really couldn't handle that right now.
i can't wait for charley to go to bed cause I just need to cry.

I am jsut so scared I can't believe it

Angela O. said...

Oh no way! I say she needs to go; that's not the deal you made.
(found you by way of Chris' blog.)

Anonymous said...

I agree, that was the terms of the agreement wasn't it?

Ok, I am coming out of the shadows, I am a reader. Friend of Liz's.

Anonymous said...

Yup. Re-advertise and find someone who WILL want the board in exchange for the babysitting. The other person broke the agreement, so you need to tell her it's no longer a go as it does not suit your circumstances. Hang in there and just do one day at a time.

Kristi said...

Terms of the agreement were that she babsit for me or have to pay rent.
so now she's not as available so she pays rent. Which I need the income desparatly!
Getting someon else inthat you can trust is a big thing. I mean i harldy know if I can trust her,butI'm taking a chnace.
Somehting I NEVER would have done when Charlotte was younger.
So now I am back to trying to find a person that I can afford. Someone that can be here in my home evenings. And soemone available on the weekends. Most of my saturday shifts are overnight ones for charley.

i Hate my life

Michelle said...

Oh yuck. Because you needed something else to worry about!!

Hang in there. (((HUGS)))