Saturday, November 11, 2006


so my fab pink pills are 2bux each!
Holy Carp!!
No wonder the doc kept me on the trial packs.

I got a new umbrella.
i hear your brain as you wonder why I am so excited.
WEll firstly I spent 15bux on it!
Why when there are cheaper ones?
Well all the 'cheaper ones' I've purchased are now broken. And they don't wait and get used lots to break. They choose to break pretty close to being new.
Second....its Red and full size. That excites me!
now third is the best one.....

It lights up

Yah thats right. Lights up!
the post does. As a matter of fact it can strobe and change colours, or just be on and blue!
Wal-Mart. Thats where i got it. And I am thrilled!

i tell you its the little things. heehee.

Watched Buffy last night.
How cool is that! Thanks Muck! of course, you now realize you are committed for the next few years at setting me up with the rest of them? LoL!!!

Blog on!


Anonymous said...

It lights up...that is so you!

And yes buying cheap doesn't get you the best quality. You usually end up just having to get another one. And they always seem to break in the middle of a storm--while being used of course!

Anonymous said...

Yup - I stopped buying cheapos because they just break apart after one use.
It lights up? Wow - so you won't get electrocuted in the wet weather or anything like that will you? LOL!

Kristi said...


Fibre optics and batteries!!!

Chris said...

Of course you needed a good umbrella that lights up. Can you imagine life without one? Of course not.

shari said...

you can count on it chickie!!