Monday, November 06, 2006


Yesterday was the family party.
Charley always looks forward to it. She does love her family.
Auntie Shari and kids were there. They are all getting so big and old too!
Little V. stole the show of course. She is so darling.

I never give Charley her gifts from me until the actual day of her birthday. So they have been in my trunk for weeks.
First I bought her a new housecoat and slippers. Bratz slippers even! I hate bratz, but i figured in slippers.......What The Hell.
Then I got her a couple littlest Pet shop deals. She has been asking for them for months.
Thats right. I couldn't find the heelies. And I aint about to spend 100bux on shoes for a kid that will only wear for 7 months!
So she opens her gifts.
she gets a pair of super cute slippers from Great Gramma and Littlest Pet Shop from.........oh Carp! I can't remember. I think it was gramma.
so now off I race to Wal-Mart this morning after I drop her school.
I have about a half hour to shop before i have to be at work.
Do I suck or what?
Auntie Shari was a hit with her Math gift! Thats all I heard in the car on the way home. Then after we got home I could hear Charlotte's excitement, just over the sound of Hillary Duff, as she got 4000 brain cells!!!
What am I gonna do?


Anonymous said...

I should probably post again over there sometime, but I am glad you hit me....I couldn't find you for a bit.



shari said...

Glad Charley had a good party. Soooo.... gonna be in Abby tomorrow.... I know you will be very busy, but I would like to swing by and bring you YOUR bday gift at the restaurant, k?
love ya!!!

Anonymous said...


I get something?

YaY! me!
I'm just so easy to please. As long as I'm remembered!

Kristi said...

Oh frig!

I didn't log in.

My blonde is sooo showing in my old age

steph said...

Happy Birthday lady!

shari said...

have you watched any of it yet?

Kristi said...

no I haven't had a chance.

I can';t wait though!