Sunday, November 26, 2006

Tagged by the Lioness

Frig! What the hell is what the Hell.
Poor Doodle. She is getting it to!
Now you didn't say I couldn't bitch about this tag.
so let me start by saying
I just don't like getting tagged!
But this is pretty easy so here we go....
What is your occupation? Server
- 2. What color is your underwear? Underwear? i don't have company over
3. What are you listening to right now? the hum of my computer and people outside stomping in the snow
4. What was the last thing you ate? Chocolate of course
5. Do you wish on stars? YUP!!
6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? So, so Red!
7. How is the weather right now?Snowy and fabulous
. Last person you spoke to on the phone? Mountain Man
9. Do you like the person who sent this to you? well this is a tag. And yes I like her, but she is a bitch for the tag
10. How old are you today? 37
11. Favorite drink? Rootbeer I guess. Red wine is my weakness but thats jsut cause I'm cheap. If i feel rich....liquours
12. Favorite sport to watch? Anyhting under the sheets
13. Have you ever dyed your hair? Yes
14. Do you wear contacts or glasses? contacts
15. Favorite food? Mexican
17. What was the last movie you watched? Some friggin whacked out horror late, late last night. Peopel were getting sawed in half and everything! What the Hell! Clearly I was drunk
18. Favorite day of the year? Charlottes Birthday
19. What do you do to vent anger? Yell. Stomp my feet. Be hurtful
20.What was your favorite toy as a child? I don't remember. thats actually kinda sad
21. Fall or Spring? Spring
l22. Hugs or kisses? Can't I have both? Wait. Where are the kisses being placed? and am I giving or recieving?
23. Cherry or Blueberry? once again....I want it all!
24. Do you want your friends to answer this? sure validation is nice
25. Living arrangements? DAughter, nanny cat fishes gerbils
28. The last time you cried?last night.
29. What is on the floor of your closet? Which one
30.Who is the friend you have had the longest? MUCK BABY!!!! over 30 years! Hokey dina
31. What did you do last night? WEnt to work. Met with Stef. had cute stock-brocker buy my drinks for me. Went home. Had Mountain come over. He made me cry and then left and I sat up till 4 in the morning drinking wine watching some horror flick.
32. Favorite smell? Fresh Bread
33. What inspires you? Charlotte
34. What are you afraid of? the devil
35. Plain, cheese or spicy hamburgers? if its got cheese its got my vote
36.Favorite car? Jaguar
37. Favorite dog breed? I've never given that much thought. Rottwielers are cool. Or maybe a terrier. My fav cat is a Siamese! Why couldn't that have been a question
38. Number of keys on your key ring?I don't flippin Know!
39. How many years at your current job? hahahahaha! JUst started there 6 wks ago
40. Favorite day of the week? Friday
41. How many provinces have you lived in? 1
42. How many cities have you lived in? 4
43. Ever driven a Motorcycle or Heavy Machinery? No

Okay there you go!
learn something new?

1 comment:

Gary said...

Yes I did learn something new. I learned that we share a common interest: Mexican food. I LOVE it.The spicier, the better.
Fortunately, down here in Houston it is cheap and it is everywhere.