Saturday, March 24, 2007

they are selling


steph said...

I am so sorry... I know how much you love it there!

Winnie said...

no loss..time to move on to bigger better things!

Anonymous said...

Hopefully the people that buy will still rent it out. And I'm sure they will keep their current tenants. They would be crazy not to.
ms K

jewels said...

oh no - well - although nobody likes to hear it - everything happens for a reason...
on to bigger and better things - like Bert said

Hammers said...

Hey Kristi - it's Deb from down in the states. You may remember from an emial tha I was a single mother of 2 for 17 years. What you don't know is that I was also a renter for 11 of thos years. I can remember moving 10 times in 6 years just befor eI was able to finally buymy own little place. It is scary especially trying to find something close to where you work AND to where your childs scdool is. But - it all seems to work out in the end just like every other crappy thing that happens.

Keep your chin up and start looking right away. If you're lucky (and I will keep my fingers crossed that you are) the new owners will rent it and keep you on or you will find something just as great. The secret is to stay positive (especially for Charlotte) and be pro-active.

I'll be sending all to good vibes I can up north for you! Take care.


Hammers said...

Hey Kristi - sorry about all the typos above (arrrgghh) - I didn't take the time to proof read :] Hope it all makes sense - take care -Deb