Wednesday, April 18, 2007

When 5 was my favorite number

Well, the title makes no sense.
5 is still my favorite number. But i do lean towards 7 now and then. amybe 5 cause of the mixture of curves and to-the-point edges. 7 is so finished...

FoF is wonderful. I appreciate how she speaks. her forwardness.
Chelle...same thing. She and I had a Rocky beginning a year ago. She has just always spoke her mind. Something i have always respected And yeah. She pissed me off! But i have always appreciated her forwardness and truthfulness as she has mine.

Lets Just Shit and Stomp in It people!

We are people right? Get over yourselves. Opinions are just that. Opinions. Look past and either accept or deny what you Truly see.

Did you know ther are a whole Pile of kids for adoption in B.C. right now?
I am pissed about that.
Reason being. There are so many Pro-Life people around. Yet when it comes to puttin the words to action they are nowhere to be found. CAn't you adopt the childs life you so-called, saved.
Well, these adoptive kids have issues.
So now they are in Foster care. Basically wards of the Government.

No Shit they have Issues!!! The mother Didn't want them. didn't want to be pregnant. So she lived her life. She did whatever. Was made to feel so guilty for her choice or her "mistake". That she couldn't make a better choice for herself or her where we are.

No I think not.
Children that grow into teenagers with growth, developmental issues. FAS. Drug addiction. Because of pregnancy abuse.
No I am not talking about the dumb luck that happens when we take care of ourselves and genetics or nature kicks in.
I'm talkign about things that could have been avoided.

Way to RAise those crosses pro-lifers!

Abortion is a choice.
its a very serious, uneasy choice that I would not wish on anyone. However, it needs to be a personal choice between a woman and her body. We Know what we can handle.

No. At this point in my life it would not be my choice. But I would wish it to be there for my niece, daughter or friend.

Its a hard thing and I would play devils acvocate the whole way.
Its important that its the right choice for You.
not for your boyfriend, your parents or your church. for you!!
Its incredibly personal and difficult.

So why am I thinking?
Cause of the news broadcast.
all these kids with no homes or families.
Kids being adopted in from over~seas like crazy cause the kids here they don't want.
Why? Cause they are not what we refer to as Healthy?
Now I know this will hit home with one of you pretty strong....
when you are pregnant. You don't what is c0ming out of you. we/you are doing your best....and then...shit sometimes happens. Or it Doesn't. Depends on the Roulette wheel at the time.
We just all hope for the best. so what if its not quite what you expected? What Are you Gonna do?? Send it back??!!!?!@?
They are yours. Love,deal and parent. But yet ....adoption......its become so choice worthy.
If its not quite right....
its not like buying a car!
Don't like it. Friggin Pro-lifers that make it hard.
have You had a miscariage in the early stages??? WEll I have.
so don't give me no pictures or heart beating crap!
Do you eat eggs?
What about cow or pig?
Or hey. Lets talk about the last time you killed a spider or a mosquito and why................

Blog On

I think its time to do a check on our........'favorite numbers'


Family Of Five said...

Wow! What a controversial topic! I totally agree!

Winnie said...

Very informative blog....
And why do people have to adopt from overseas...I agree, they should have to adopt children from their own country first...there are plenty of neighborhoods in North America that are the same as third world countries!!What about those kids!
And I've always thought that if you didn't approved of abortion wellthen don't ever do it!!Simple hey?
So with that don't get if it's not your baby then again it's not nor choice.Hell it's only the choice of the parents!!!
By the way...number 4..

Kristi said...

haha. 4. 4 is pretty pointy.

Yes F. I got all riled up last night cause of the whole Pot thing. Its something thats been bugging me for awhile.

It is a very sensitive topic.
One taht is jsut so cut and dry to me. But others...not so much.
It jsut seems logical to me is all.
And I do love logic!
Like Bert said...if you don't agree than don't do it

Michelle said...

I have a daughter....if, say, she were every raped (God forbid) and got pregnant,....would I want her to have an abortion? Friggin' right I would!!! If a mother has problems in her pregnancy and her life and/or her baby's life is in danger, should she have an abortion?? Yes!! If a girl gets pregnant at 13 or so.....should she abort?? Personal CHOICE.....but why not??? Know what I hate?? That the CHOICE is not there for women. It may not be the right choice for some people.....but it's just that...a choice...or at least it should be.

Great post Kristi.

and yanno...we did get off to a rocky start a year ago....but we are both All is well now I think :) I, also, appreciate someone who speaks their mind.....and that is different than being judgmental or holier than thou (which YOU are not btw!)....people who speak their mind don't usually try to drive their opinion down your throat. :)

shari said...

I haven't said anything because I didn't want to be attacked or insulted. But, I do want to go on the record as saying, I disagree. I beleive that life is precious and to be guarded and that life begins at conception.
I am not looking for a big controversial discussion. I will say no more, except that I respect that everyone has their own perspective and opinions, whether I agree or not.

Kristi said...

No attacks.

no-one said that life is not precious. that it is not valued.
Its about choices.
Don't take away the choices.
Than by getting don't like the sale so you shop elsewhere.
When the wheel is spinning there aint a choice...

steph said...

I can honestly say,again, I agree with both sides! Dammit! I have never had to face having a baby I wasn't ready, able or willing to I can't comment on that part. What about if you would die from the pregnancy than can you abort...ethically? If the answer is yes well than what makes that reason any different from anybody elses. I am honestly asking not just making trouble.

Kristi said...

What about the kids 3000 kids in B.C. alone...that need adoption.
They are in Foster Care. Still unwanted. And only about the buck to the Foster parents.
Kinda like living with your partner and not getting the full committment with the ring and the last name and all.
These children were born to mothers that didn't want them. Felt they didn't have any other "choice" They continued their paths of not taking care of themselves. Having kids with 'issues'. Then giving them up cause they can't do it. How is that 'good' or 'fair' to anyone? There are very few success stories that come out of Foster Care. They are there! Just not many. Most of them repeat the patterns that have already been laid out thru their family History. Than to beat all. Couples are adopting out of Country children. What The Hell! Cause they can get a 'healthy' one from over-seas!
Fuck Me!
I am not saying....Kill...Kill....Kill.

I am saying Don't take the Choice away. Don't make a woman feel guilty for her Choice. Its a very personal, difficult thing. It jsut needs to be there. Available.

No differnt than taking the morning after pill when you know, or suspect, there's been an Ooops.

Family Of Five said...
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Family Of Five said...

I truly believe it depends on the circumstances, and the unfortunate part is people don't always make good, ethical choices. Some people abuse the right to choose. Some choose to beat their kids and others need to step in and others abuse the right to choose abortion. Life is totally precious but what kind of a 'life' are we forcing people / children to live just to save some's definition of 'life'? We sit up in our decent lives....yes we have curve balls thrown our way.... (but nothing in comparison to the sheer horror that some children have to live in each and every day).... and talk about saving 'lives' but when you look a little closer at what kind of lives these poor children are forced to live truly is terrible. Would you want to live a life where you were loved by NO ONE??? Where no one taught you right from wrong, played with you, a life where you had never been hugged or kissed, a life where you lived every day starving hungry, being sexually abused, forced into prostitution by your own parent or beaten within an inch of your life.... and you were only 4, 5, 6 or more years old? Would you wish a life like that upon any of your children??? Life is very precious, which is why I don't think abortion should be abused, but I also don't think with holding it should be either.

Kristi said...

well said F!!

Winnie said...

FOF..Exactly!!! When I had my second son I had a C section and my husband was in the nursery with our son while I was recovering from surgery...he was there with another nurse and some much older babies ..2 in was borm with a cocaine addiction the other meth..they were 3-5 months old...they were in the hospital under gov't care untill the mothers got out of rehab...It was very hard for him, he said he looked at those babies and then his own and felt horrible because he knew those kids had NO future and his boys do...Life IS so precious but ...some people choose to fullfil their own needs before their loved ones, and visa versa for others...
And yet again it comes right down to choices...