Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Christmas Time

First, let me start by saying, I have acquired a ladder and I am most excited to be able to put my Christmas lights up along the peaks of my house like other HOME-OWNERS!!!!

i will have all kinds of time of during the Days of Christs B-day.
This will be most exciting, but very very bad for the pocket-book!
WE are closed Dec. 24, 25, &26. As well as Dec. 31st and Jan. 1st. Yikes! But nnow he is thinking of closing the 27 & 28th too! Just cause last year business sucked ass. That is a lot of time off.
which is great cause I can hang with the Queen and Mountain has all that time off too!

So i aM debating what to do with that time.
I was thinking an Open-House on SAturday the 29th might be fun!
Kind of a pre-New Years post-Christmas Party!
What thinking you?
Its after Christmas and most of the Hub has sub-sided.
Maybe it will snow and I will actaully get to play with Charley in it!
i think i might be excited.


So there seems to be some action next door.
Cars all over........trucks......moving trucks......security guy-gaurd......and a locksmith!
i just heard banging.
Are they going? Are they? Are they??


Anonymous said...

I hope you get to have a nice holiday. I'm sure it will be fun to have your first Christmas in your own place.

Kristi said...

Apparently they were court Bailiffs not security gaurds.
the guy next door has 7 business days to remove the trailer!


so by the ened of next week!

how nifty is that?