Wednesday, May 28, 2008


how is it possible, after getting rid of Sooo much when we moved 8 months ago, that I still have piles of Carp???
Actually its not me. Its my room-mate, The Queen!
She keeps growing so I have all these stupid shoes that don;'t fit her anymore laying about. Toys, friggin Dress-up! Barbies, drawing crap, books, stuffies, clothes...........
i havn't had the chance since moving in to go thru my room and organize it! I'm so busy every weekend doing house chores and then her room and now outside and.............Aaaaaahhhh!
I need days off during the week, when no one is here, I don't have to pick anyone up or feed them or ANYthinG for anyhone else!!! i want to lock myself in my room and be left alone for a whole day.

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