Monday, January 19, 2009

My House

I wa reading Stephs post on how she hearts her home.
I heart my home too, however, I am Still getting rid of clutter, finding spaces for the stuff I still have and trying to deal let go of more "stuff" I can't stand things on my kitchen counters.  My father-in-law bought me a knife block for Christmas.  Its nice.  Its great actaully.  but its on my counter.  I hate that.
Shelves I need shelves but I'm not sure where to put them or what I would even want on them.  I like stuff to be 'put away'.  Out of sight.  So I need cabinets.  House is too small for the amount of cabinets i would like.  Nor do I have the money for them.  So i sit and re-think.......
My bathroom is done for now.  I still need a new faucet and new knobs for my cupboards, but thats a hundred bux I don't have for such things at the moment.
So i think on to my room I go.  First task is to move the bed over 3 inches so that my bedroom door can open all the way without hitting it.
When we moved in, having boxes stacked and unpacking over a few weeks was not an option. So some of my 'hidden' spaces are just a mess.  My bedroom looks like a bomb went off even when its clean.  I have many, many space saving ideas.  Just not the money or time to get to them.  But soon.  I have more time this year than i 
Ever did last year.  I've even been known to sit and do absolutley nothing!  Can you believe it.  So now its a matter of budgeting this free time I have.  As a matter of fact - i think I will go budget some of that time right now!

Blog On!


steph said...

There are a lot of solutions that are free! I look things up online and you would be shocked at how you can re-use and shop your house!

Kristi said...


space solutions are not free.
Shelving and cabinets must be bought.

steph said...

Try looking it up dear, I have seen tons of ideas.

Kristi said...

space saving is great! Done all the free stuff