Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Things are Changing

Well, we got word yesterday that Mntn's room-mate did indeed get married to the girl that he's only been dating for a few months and just proposed to, this weekend.  She is now living there.  So I HAVE to figure out how to go through these closets and get this room of mine organized to fit another person in here.  The room-mate told mntn not to worry and that he still needs his money to help pay his mortgage.  (room-mate doesn;t work.  Niether does new wifey.  She doesn't have her green card.....)  But Mntn knows he is not going to want to stay there.  I'm sure he'll be living here by September.
Are we ready?  To cohabitate?  Yah.  We are, just not in this house.  DAmnit!  There's just not the room for his clothes even.  So it sucks that this was kinda not the "plan"  but I guess everything happens for a reason.  I'm becoming more and more annoyed that I don't have a shiny finger yet.  I'm pissed that I had to use my savings account becasue of my accident and now I am so behind in the things I wanted to achieve this summer.  GRRRRRRR.  Now my house insurance is due and I don't have the money!  FUDGE!  I am happy though that I can at least garden virtually on FArmVille and FArmTown.  That gives me pleasure.  My daughter gives me pleasure.  Its been nice being with her more.  Its been nice reading.  Even though its been mostly trash mags, its still nice to have the time to read.
i gotta go.  Time to work.

Blog On!

1 comment:

holymotherofgod said...

Kristi if it helps most house insurance places do pmt plans...