Monday, November 14, 2011

Disease and Pestilence

Saw my doc today. He confirmed what I already had known - I do not have cancer.
What do i have?
Still not sure.
Sick. I am sick and have been for most of the year. In my lungs. It flares because it has set up shop. Is it pneumonia sick? not sure of that either. Infection. It is infection sick. Pneumonia is the only kind I know, but for now, it is that which can not be named!
I have homework from the doctor. It's pretty special. The next time I cough up a lugy, I have to put it in the fancy orange lidded cup he gave me and hustle it off to the lab where they can have the pleasure of testing it. Lucky - lucky lab.
I got a nice new orange inhaler too!(steroids) New fancy attachments for both my blue and my orange inhaler. WoW - Christmas must have come early. As well as it looks like another Xray requisition to go fill.
So - i have heard from a couple people now a *sigh* well good its not cancer.
Really, good its not cancer? well good - you are not dying. Really, how do you know I am not?
They cut cancer out. They radiate it. They chemo it. They know what they are fighting and "they" seem to work really fast with soemone that has it.
Lung infection? not so much. Who says this is not going to kill me? I feel like total poo most days of the week.
I've been doing some googling - lung infections, disease, drug resistant pneumonia .......... not such a great read.
Oh did I mention - after I take the lab their special surprise, I get to start taking a drug that is going to KILL - KILL - All the bacteria in my body. Both good and bad. This is certainly to be the bestest treat ever. No dudes in my body to fight with other dudes during the cold and flu season.
So basically I am a rat. Carrying sickness in my lungs and passing it to everyone I talk to. So they get a cold or a horrible sick too. Just maybe lucky enough to not get it in their lungs. Of course then changing it just that little bit and passing it back to me so the dudes in my lungs can party. Making it so that I lay here wondering, is it bad enough to go to the hospital now??
But you know me, always like to share.
the toss up - Cancer or Sick - either one sucks. It just sounds more impressive when you mention cancer. They give more badges out for cancer survivors. They even have a whole clothing line dedicated to it! but poor lonely Lung disease ......... no glory. It just leaves you weak, hospitalized, drug addicted and tired.

What I have learned - stripy or spotted socks always make people smile.


holymotherofgod said...

Sucks. I know you'd rather KNOW what it is and have it safely treated. Have you considered changing your diet? No dairy? More fruit? Alkaline diet??

Kristi said...

no dairy? I don't have much as it is.
I think I need to start with no wine

It'll be good once I cough up the thing and then can start on the antibiotics. Of course now that I need to cough up a thing I can't.